2.2 Wh Question

Hello students,

This material is for you (class XI), because you can see from the number above (2.2 Wh Question). The number 2 is for class, and another 2 is for material. So, 2.2 Wh Question is the material for class XI with Wh Question as the material given.

Now, let's take a look into the point. Wh Question is the question that started with Wh for example What, Where, When, Who, Whom, Whose, Which, Why, and How. We use:

  1. What, for things, information, or repetition/confirmation. For example: 'What drink do you like?' 'Orange juice.' / 'What?' (I can't hear)
  2. Where, for place. E.g.: 'Where do you live?' 'In Prague'.
  3. When, for time. E.g.: 'When does the school begin?' 'At 7.'
  4. Who, for person (as Subject). E.g.: 'Who accompanied you yesterday?' 'My sister.'
  5. Whom, for person (as Object). E.g.: 'Whom do you go with?' 'My father.'
  6. Whose, for possession. E.g.: 'Whose car is that?' 'Mine'.
  7. Which, for choice. Which juice do you like, apple or avocado?' 'Apple.'
  8. Why, for reason. E.g.: 'Why did you choose that school?' 'It's the best one.'
  9. How, for manner. E.g.: 'How big is your house?' 'It's pretty big.'

Especially for How, you can choose the adjective, such as big, small, good, bad, smart, beautiful, etc. 

  • How big is it?
  • How small is that?
  • How good is he?
  • How smart are they?
  • etc

That's all students, for today. Just do not forget each function for Wh Question.

See you.

1 comment:

  1. saya wihdah pak murid pindahan dari jakarta ank bpn kls ka 3..
    saya sudah jadi followers bapak..
    terimakasih pak sebelumnya..
